Chittaranjan Ray
Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ. (My contributions to this book are in the area of pump Murakami, G.A. and C. Ray, 2000, Turf irrigation in Hawaii using R-1 effluent: Chemical and Zvolen: Technická univerzita vo Zvolene, 2007, p. 1-10. … Content Retrieval
Osnova Správy O činnosti Vedeckého Pracoviska SAV
International Symposium „Selected Processes at the Wood Processing“, Zvolen, minulom roku ako aj používaním siedmich membránových čerpadiel namiesto vodných púmp sa for microbial production of the bulk 1,3-propanediol from glycerol water as a waste effluent … Get Doc
960 92 Zvolen. National Contact Point ENVIRONMENT UTCB implemented its patents in the field of groundwater and soil remediation based on pump the microorganisms present in the fecal waste of a hospital complex, in the effluent of a waste … Fetch Document
PGEE's EAP will ensure that its own water effluent will be an acceptable standard within one year, and is negotiating the return of the waste-water The project includes repair or replacement of leaking pump seals; repair of other equipment; and a rail car management programme. … Read Content